Friday, July 25, 2008

In the toughest times

I have a friend whose little boy has battled health problems all his life, is now in Minnesota at the hospital, and has just undergone his second brain surgery in a few days. Their faith in a powerful and loving God has gotten them through this in a way that is just amazing to me. They remind me of my friends in Loup City whose son lost a long battle with leukemia Watching their faith through the toughest of circumstances had a huge impact on my decision to give my life to Jesus 7 years ago. Life is way too hard and makes no sense otherwise. In Patty's update below, she asks us to tell of God's goodness...and right now I think she does it WAY better than just about anybody could.

Dear All,
Adam is out of surgery. The surgeon said everything went as planned. After he wakes up enough to breath on his own he will go to the intensive care unit overnite. The next few days will be rough recovering from the 6.5 hour procedure in addition to the surgery earlier in the week. He will probably be in the hospital for about a week depending on how he recovers.
Praise God that he has made it through the surgery safely. Pray for freedom from complications, minimal pain and quick recovery of motor function which is sometimes lost temporarily.
He is a tough little guy who continually amazes us. I read about angels today. The Bible tells us that they are strong, tough creatures capable of amazing feats. Adam speaks of his angels sometimes. I know those powerful creatures, which God created to do his will, were there with him today protecting him when his daddy and I couldn't. It is an awesome priveledge to witness the power of God as we have this week. Our lives are forever changed.
Tell someone about how God has worked in your life. There are so many people hoping someone cares about them. Tell them about a God who if faithful and whose love is endless, boundless, limitless, has no depth nor height.

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