Thursday, June 19, 2008

Andrew's Goals

Andrew and I are on our own for 4 days while the other kid are at camp, so we're having a LOT of quality time together. Today at lunch, I decided to get a "good discussion going" and asked him if he had any goals in his life. Without missing a beat, he announced that his first one was to "master the fine art of jump roping". While that wasn't exactly what I was looking for, I sure got a kick out of it, so I decided to press on. I asked if he had any others and he jumped right on it again...."to eat enough ice cream to get the biggest brain freeze ever!". And, without thinking too much more, he added "and to buy my first car by the time I am 22!" I don't know where ANY of that stuff came from, but it sure made for a memorable lunch!!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

enjoy the quality time with Andrew.Sounds like he is enjoying it!