Monday, September 29, 2008

Go Cart

Uncle Jerry bought the kids a go cart to have at Grandma and Pa Stallbaumer's house. It's going to be GREAT fun, but for now they're just a little bit too small for it. They can't quite reach the pedals enough to control it well and it goes fast enough that it's pretty scary. It's very safe (which I am THANKFUL for!) because it's really wide and very low to the ground. There are miles and miles for them to ride out there, so once they grow just a couple of inches and get the hang of it, they're going to have a blast. Bruce rode it and had a great time, although he is just about too big for it. Thanks, Uncle Jerry!!


Brenda said...

Looks like fun. My kids would love it!

Grammie said...

So,,,why didn't you tell everyone how much fun you had riding it too?