Can you sing it like Madame Blueberry? "You've no idea what I've got to do....." (I LOVE Veggie Tales!)
It has just been crazy busy around here...ever since school started, it seems. And, I guess maybe it's really not that hectic of a schedule, just that we're STILL adjusting and it's exhausting. There has been lots and lots going on, though....first school pictures, field trips, first report cards, concerts, halloween, a camping trip....and I even have taken pictures of some of those things...just don't ever find the time to sit down here and write it all down.
The highlight for me lately has been getting report cards. As a homeschool Mom, don't we always kind of, in the back of our mind, wonder if we're TOTALLY screwing our kids up....well, at least I did. So, to get report cards in black and white, filled out by someone other than me, saying that they actually have learned something over the past several years, was a great relief. And, they all did pretty well....mostly just a few behavior things we need to focus on and I'll let you guess which kid that is! :-)
School really does seem to be going better. No more tears or tantrums, no more being locked in a bathroom stall. I find the kids laughing and being silly with their friends, and they're signing up to do "extra stuff" that they don't really have to do. We still talk about going back to homeschooling and are weighing the pros and cons of each....and there are many. I am hopeful that God will show us very clearly what our next year will bring - just as clearly as He did this with this year.